Sunday, February 5, 2017

Icy River Rampage - 4th February 2017 - Some Icy sections on the river and a very bumpy return.

Saturday the 4th February 2017 was the 5th edition of the Icy River Rampage held at Eagle River Nature Centre. This year we were back at the ERNC again due to favourable conditions on the river after a year absence. This years event was also a sell out for the first time with 100 riders turning up for the event.
The course started at the nature centre and works its way downhill to the river via the nature center trails, we are not allowed to ride on these trails outside of this race so its a real treat to ride them. Once on the river we were on a meandering snow machine track which had a couple of two way sections. The course had a couple of icy spots on the river and although rideable without studs having them was a real advantage.
After around 7 miles on the river headed up a steep incline back onto the ERNC trails before turning right and hitting the moose (single) track section of the course which provided both a technical climb and a rough descent.
At around 10.4 miles we hit the smoother ERNC trails again and cruised along before either finishing the lap around 11 miles or heading out for another lap.

Once again the ERNC team had put together an interesting and challenging course for all the racers.
A huge thanks to the organisers for putting on a great event, the BBQ post race is a really great way to end the ride.


11 mile

John - 14th Place

22 mile 

Nico - 5th Place
Clint - 7th Place
Nick - 8th  Place
Laura - 11th Place (2nd Women)
Oliver - 12th Place
Stew - 18th Place
Bob - 29th Place
Brant - 30th Place
Oscar - 32nd Place

Full results can be found at the following link


Colin was out taking photos of the racers. 
From his facebook post "If you comment or message me your bib # I will see if I have any photos of you. I will also set up a link on my site to purchase a full-res digital copy or print."

Here is a great one of Bob to tempt you to get in touch with him.

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